September 18, 2015
The Lost and found box
The first time I realized I couldn’t see past six months at a time was when Dave asked me to marry him. At first, I was excited! But then I felt incredibly sad for him, guilty even, for letting him marry me. Marriage is supposed to last a long time, not just six months.
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August 31, 2015
Storytelling 101: YA cancer edition
Five tips to help you start your own blog, and three reasons why you should.
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August 09, 2015
What is legacy?
Around here, legacy isn’t only something you leave behind; it’s something you work on and create throughout your life, no matter if you’re stage 1 or stage 4, a cancer survivor or a supporter.
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July 20, 2015
Body image, cancer, and me
“Sure, I have some scars, lost some hair, but the main thing is that I’m still here fighting.”
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July 08, 2015
I am not who I once was, and that’s ok
When I was finished having a good cry over the loss of my athletic days, I realized that I had much more to offer the world than my ability to triple jump or play defense. Sure, I used to be sporty, but that was only a small part of my identity.
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July 07, 2015
Nanny Angel Network helping families in the GTA
Audrey Guth, founder of Nanny Angel Network, writes about what inspired her to start a non-profit to provide free, reliable childcare to families dealing with cancer.
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June 29, 2015
Off with her hair!
I have a newborn, a two-year-old daughter, and a soon-to-be six-year-old boy. And, I have metastatic cancer. Go big or go home.
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June 26, 2015
Start building a legacy
“Knowing that you can do something good with your story—turning pain into something positive—is a good purpose to have.”
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June 24, 2015
Moral struggles of young adults with cancers
When something disruptive happens in life, the work of mourning our losses often involves building causal links around the disruption—it’s not an outright scientific endeavour, but it is often grounded in rich, personal experiences and observations.
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May 31, 2015
A good news fertility story
“I did not expect my last round of IVF to work, and just wanted to get it over with, use up our last embryos, and move on with our life as a couple. I was shocked when I got the positive pregnancy test.”
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April 30, 2015
6 tips for dealing with survivor's guilt
“It is rare in our grown up lives that we get to experience new and unusual feelings, and at that moment at the age of 24, I was experiencing what I knew to be survivor’s guilt for the first time.”
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February 18, 2015
Four a.m.
“…when I peel back all the layers and complicated feelings, there is nothing wrong with how I feel. After all I have been through, this is how it should be. Life is complex and I believe beauty can be found in the cracks of darkness.”
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