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Check out these blogs written by young adults dealing with cancer, and resources and communities that can help you live and love life when you’re dealing with cancer. If you know of a great site relating to young adult cancer that isn’t in our list, we’d love to know about it. You can let us know by emailing us at [email protected].


  • 100 Cancer Resolutions:

    Stephanie Sliekers writes about taking time to enjoy and indulge.

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  • A Melanoma Journey:

    Sam is a “20-something year old Canadian who likes dogs, hiking and cross country skiing.” She was also diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma in February 2014.

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  • A Series Of Deep Breaths:

    Analyn says she is a mom, a doula, a writer, and “someone who knows cancer all to well.” She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at 14 which metastasized to her lungs at 16, and was then diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 at the age of 33.

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  • Blue Butterfly:

    Nadia Hohn is sharing her experiences as she deals with Thyroid cancer. She makes playlists, writes candidly, and includes lots of pictures to keep it interesting.

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  • Brandy’s Cancer Bash:

    Honest, thoughtful, informative Brandy writes about life after breast cancer.

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  • Breast Cancer: Self-examination to Self-discovery:

    Jennifer Wilcox vlogs about life after her breast cancer diagnosis on her YouTube channel!

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  • C Is For Compassion:

    The goal of this site is to “encourage people living with cancer to seek out peer support and other forms of psychosocial support on their paths to well-being, and to educate and motivate the general public to volunteer and donate time and resources.”

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  • Cancer IRL

    Being in your 20s or 30s and having cancer means sometimes you Google your symptoms and end up being right about the self diagnosis. It means your career might be going on pause, it means you may need to speak to your partner about kids a lot sooner than you thought. It means you will likely need to develop a great sense of humour. It means you may need to reevaluate your friendships. It means a lot of things, and not all of them are discussed, understood, nor treatable in a doctor’s office. This is a podcast about all of those things, in conversation with people who have gone through them, or love someone who has.

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  • Cancer Girl Smiles:

    Diagnosed with cancer five times by her early-thirties puts “Cancer Girl” in an extraordinary position. Sabrina writes about cancer and living with metastases.

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  • Cheryl Rostek:

    Finding hope in the hopeless and impossible situations of life.

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  • Dancing With Dr. Hodge:

    Twenty-something Saskatchewanian Cheyenne Chartrand writes about living with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

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  • Dear Thyroid:

    Written by and for thyroid (disease/cancer) patients, and their families. A place for everyone to share, learn, and grow.

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  • Death To Bob:

    Sarah’s journey with “Bob,” or as medically titled, Myxoid liposarcoma (MLS).

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  • The Diary of Nalie Agustin:

    Nalie says she “started blogging in 2013, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at only 24 years old. Writing became my therapy, and as my stories began to inspire people around the world, it turned into my passion.”

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  • Do I Have A Story For You:

    Katie offers “a little insight into facing choriocarcinoma.”

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  • Donna Nixon YouTube channel:

    YACC community member Donna Nixon shares her cancer story through video updates.

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  • Dream Creator:

    This started out as a personal blog about my desire to move to Mexico, four entries in, I found my lump. Now I blog about being a 30-year old, mother of two, with breast cancer.

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  • Finding My Way:

    Rae is thirty, cancerous, and pissed.

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  • Full Of Grace:

    Cheryl writes about her experiences with follicular lymphoma, from coping with side effects to fertility preservation.

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  • The Hiccup:

    Mike blogs about being a “reluctant cancer patient” after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.

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  • I Think I Will Go For A Walk:

    Natalie’s story of how a diagnosis of stage IV metastatic melanoma has changed her life while she and her husband raised three boys. “We are determined to live every moment and make them all count!”

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  • Kate and Christa:

    Two moms, Kate and Christa, both with metastatic cancer, discuss what it’s like to be young and have cancer in an ongoing YouTube series on what to expect when you’re not expecting cancer.

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  • Kat Dornian

    YACC Chats leader Kat has a great website where they post about “hopeful reflections when life throws you lemons.”

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  • Katie Over Cancer:

    Thirty-something “mother, attorney, athlete, sarcastic, and general bad ass” Katie blogs about “taking on cancer (and winning) one day at a time.”

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  • Life changes in the blink of an eye:

    Jamie was 21 when she found out she had leukemia in July 2009. Her profile says, “Up until then I was an athletic, carefree young adult. I had played hockey since I was six and was very fit. My life literally changed in the blink of an eye that July evening.”

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  • Life, Interrupted:

    Suleika Jaouad New York Times-hosted, Emmy Award-winning blog documenting her cancer experience.

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  • Life to the Full:

    Living Life One Run, Bite, & Experience at a Time: A wonderful Blog from Bonnie Lang who is the supporter and wife of a survivor and also a personal trainer. Her blog talks about health, food, fun, and life.

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  • The Lymphoma Lowdown:

    Robin says she is a “blessed nerd with a song in my heart.” She blogs about her experience as a 20-something Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor in a real, and inspiring way.

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  • Mikayla Stroeder:

    Mikayla’s “Christian+lifestyle” blog also chronicles her experience with melanoma in her early 20s.

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  • Mommy Isn’t Sick:

    “Not only do I have to fight cancer, I have to also be a kick ass mother at the same time. A mother who is still figuring out how to be a mother.”

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  • Musings From The Gallows

    Vancouver-based Justin Wong was diagnosed with primary mediastinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in 2019 when he was 33. Now, he writes about life with cancer on his blog, “Musings From The Gallows.”
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  • My Battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma:

    Katie says “Although this blog was initially used for ‘during’ treatment. I realized there was much more to just treatment. Cancer continues to affect my life so I’ve decided to continue to share my story, thoughts and challenges through this blog.”

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  • My Cancer Journey:

    Harjeet is a 33-year-old fighting Non-Hodgkin’s subcutaneous T-cell Lymphoma complicated with HLH(Auto-immune disease).

    “August 28 2019 was the day I found it that I have big ‘C.’ my world was turned upside down. I will be going through 12 chemotherapy treatments and an allogeneic stem cell transplant. My stem cell donor is my brother — a 100 per cent match.”

    This site is her journal and a way for her to share my story.

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  • My Journey:

    Rebekah says “I have been through a lot, and yet through the storms and valleys God has been faithful. It’s my desire to share my journey so that one day my kids can read this and can understand how faithful He was through it all.”

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  • My Unexpected Journey 2016:

    Kelly writes about being a 30-something mom of five while dealing with cancer.

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  • Nevertheless She Persisted:

    Christa’s cervical cancer was discovered when she was 33-weeks pregnant with her son. Read what she has to say about living with cancer.

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  • One Day At A Time:

    Candace is a young leukemia survivor, sharing her story one milestone at a time.

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  • One in Six Thousand:

    Chelsey has always been a writer, so after she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma on Halloween 2013, she decided to share her experiences in this great blog.

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  • Pass Me Another Cupcake:

    Stephanie Gilman is a Toronto-based writer who blogs about having cancer in her twenties.

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  • Positively Surviving Cancer:

    The author writes about being one half of a couple where both members have been diagnosed with cancer.

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  • Shannon’s Tool Box:

    Shannon’s “about page” says, “My journey has taught me that I am more resilient than I believed. The purpose for my blog is to share all the resources that I have found most helpful, and help people find tools to feel more in control of their life.”

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  • Steffiellie:

    One girl’s thoughts on cancer and life.

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  • Silverlupus: Life thru cancer and other hiccups:

    Julie Michaud is a Breast cancer survivor with a wicked sense of humour and a knack for telling it like it is.

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  • So You’ve Got Cancer:

    Michelle’s website focuses on her “personal experiences related to my cancer journey and topics span from environmental impacts to breakdowns in medical care to breakthroughs related to my own personal development” as well as covering the “latest news in the acute blood cancer world, survivor stories, and community resources that I’ve come across nationwide.”

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  • Stomachs Are Overrated:

    Mallory blogs about life as a 20-something mom of three after being diagnosed with stomach cancer.

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  • Surviving Life, Cancer & Beyond:

    Lindsay is a mother, wife, and twenty something figuring out life after being diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma.

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  • That’s ALL, Folks:

    Sarah writes about how being an ALL patient affects her thoughts on her career, identity, and more.

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  • The Tidal Wave Leader:

    Cancer survivor David discusses strategies to help you get back on track after cancer.

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  • This Infernal Racket:

    Kayla is a twenty-something two-time cancer survivor from Toronto. “This blog is a place where I can show you my honest life after cancer. My focus is to bring you content not only as a survivor but also lifestyle, travel, food, and wellness as it relates to my life after cancer.”

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  • Tri_Gill:

    “A Canadian girl, navigating triathlon training and life after cancer.”

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  • Update Blog:

    Nick Greeson’s parents blog about their son’s life with testicular cancer. The blog starts in 2018, a few months before Nick died, and continues on with updates on grieving, remembering, and finding new normals.

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  • What? Cancer? But I’m A Pisces!:

    Jody Mason writes about life as a thirty-something with metastatic cancer.

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  • When The Cookies Crumble:

    Marell says this is a cancer kid’s memoir on living with trauma induced anxiety and depression.

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  • Young Adult Cancer Survivorship By Steve Pake:

    “By sharing fully and intimately in my cancer journey, I hope that it helps to make your own journey through cancer survivorship just a little bit easier, and that you feel a little less alone.”

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  • 2011: Don’t be afraid to jump:

    Follow your dreams and live in the moment. What else is there to do? Jen, a young and inspiring survivor shares her discoveries, lessons, and emotions about her journey in life.

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  • A Fresh Chapter

    We believe in empowering each other to think boldly, to take action even when it scares us, and to work together to tackle some of the most pressing social challenges in our world today.

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  • Alli’s Journey

    Alli’s Journey is a non-profit organization which raises funds for a network of support groups that provide critical care, counseling & assistance to young adults coping with cancer.

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  • The Angels Anonymous Connection

    A Canadian registered charity focused on fulfilling the dreams of terminally ill adults.

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  • Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia

    Great Forums for those dealing with Breast Cancer.

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  • Callanish Society

    A small, grassroots non-profit organization in Vancouver, BC dedicated to improving the emotional and spiritual health of our communities by assisting families with cancer, and their health care providers, to explore illness and/or death openly and consciously. Weeklong retreats and ongoing support programs are offered by a team of health care professionals and volunteers who believe that communities can develop resilience in the face of illness and healing, loss and death, by coming together in a process of authentic dialogue and in an in-depth exploration of what it means to heal emotionally and spiritually while living with, or dying from, cancer.

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  • CancerChatCanada

    CancerChatCanada offers free online support groups to survivors and their family and friends who are caring for persons with cancer to provide emotional support and a safe place to discuss personal topics. The groups are facilitated by a professional psychosocial oncology counselor and consist of six to eight participants. Discussions focus on common experiences, concerns, and questions and members are encouraged to speak openly and to support each other.

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  • Cancer Fight Club

    They connect people, resources, and support services in the Canadian community to help “Fight the Fright” of young adult (AYA) cancer.

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  • Cancer Sisters of Canada

    Cancer Sisters of Canada is a closed Facebook group created by Maja, Sarah, and Tara for women who have been diagnosed with cancer between the age of 35 to 50. The group is intended to support one another while going through your own cancer journey.

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  • Cancer View Canada

    Connects Canadians to online services, information and resources for cancer control. It is an ever-evolving portal that brings together resources for cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and supportive, palliative and end-of-life care; specifically, it includes a database of support services and clinical trials, among other resources

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  • Cancer Wise

    A monthly online magazine which features articles and interviews about all kinds of Cancer.

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  • CanSupport/Faire Face

    Cedars CanSupport was founded in 1988 with the mission to provide cancer patients and their families with practical, educational, emotional and humanitarian support.Our team of professional staff and trained volunteers, many of whom are cancer survivors, are here for you at each step along your cancer journey. Our programs and services are free-of-charge and easily accessible through our Resource Centres at the Royal Victoria and Montreal General Hospitals.

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  • CanTeen

    CanTeen is an Australian Organisation for Young People Living with Cancer (aged 12-24). CanTeen’s mission is to support, develop and empower young people living with cancer.

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  • Chai and Hope: South Asian Cancer Community

    The Chai and Hope: South Asian Cancer Community Facebook group was created by two people who connected over a shared need to break the stigma surrounding their diagnoses.

    The group description says:
    “It’s time to break the silence!

    Cancer is not a secret and we, as a community, deserve to let go of the weight of carrying the burden alone.

    This community is a safe space for all South Asians impacted by cancer: patients, care-givers, friends, and family.

    This is where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and make connections with others from the community that can understand and relate to what you are going through.”
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  • Cleaning For A Reason

    Their website says “our mission is to give the gift of free house cleaning to women undergoing treatment for any type of cancer. Our goal is to let these brave and strong women focus on their health and treatment while we focus on, and take away the worry and work of, cleaning their homes — free of charge.”

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    ELLICSR is designed as a collaborative space for research into health, wellness and cancer survivorship. They strive to better understand the cancer and survivorship experience in order to improve it.

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  • Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds

    Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds/On the Tip of the Toes Foundation helps young people living with cancer regain their well-being by facing the challenge of an exceptional therapeutic adventure expedition.

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  • For The Breast Of Us

    The US-based For the Breast of Us is here to uplift women of color affected by breast cancer by sharing stories that educate, inspire, and connect.

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  • Generation Why

    The Huffington Post’s hub of young adult cancer content, from recurring survivor blogs, to what’s new in the medical world.

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  • Gilda’s Club

    An emotional and social support community for people living with cancer. Non-profit clubs exist throughout North America.

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  • Hope & Cope

    Hope & Cope helps people cope with cancer. Guided by professional staff, cancer-experienced volunteers provide psychosocial support and practical resources that help patients regain a sense of control and well-being, reduce isolation and restore hope. Easily accessible and open to all, Hope & Cope is funded by the community and is located at the Jewish General Hospital’s Segal Cancer Centre and the JGH Hope & Cope Wellness Centre in Montreal, QC.

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  • Imerman Angels

    A not-for-profit organization that provides One-on-One Cancer Support: Connecting Cancer Fighters, Survivors and Caregivers.

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  • Inspire Health

    InspireHealth is a not-for-profit society in British Columbia that provides an integrated cancer care program for people with cancer and their families.

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  • Lacuna Loft

    Lacuna Loft is an online magazine geared towards young adults dealing with cancer or long term illness (as patients or as caregivers).

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  • The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada

    LLSC is a voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer.

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  • Life With Cancer

    Can help you meet the challenges of living with cancer by providing you and your loved ones with education, information and support, free of charge, no matter where you live or receive treatment. Explore the many ways that Life with Cancer can make your day-to-day life easier and help you connect with a community of people who face many of the same challenges you do.

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    Advice, stories and articles for Cancer survivors.

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  • Look Good Feel Better

    Their website says “Look Good Feel Better was created from a belief that if a woman with cancer can be helped to look good, chances are she’ll feel better, her spirits will be lifted and she’ll be empowered to face her illness with greater confidence.”

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  • Lymphoma Canada

    Lymphoma Canada empowers lymphoma patients and the lymphoma community through education, support, and research.

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  • Lymphoma Info

    A website featuring information on many aspects related with dealing with Lymphoma.

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  • Man Up To Cancer

    This US-based online community says they are changing what it means to “Man up” in the face of cancer. “It means reaching out, instead of isolating. It means accepting help, then paying it forward. We provide helpful content and a tight-knit community for men impacted by cancer — and the people who love them.”

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  • May Cause Radiance

    “May Cause Radiance is a nonprofit organization with roots in the Southern Interior of British Columbia that aims to provide support to young adults affected by cancer. Our mission is to be a positive lighthouse within a difficult and sensitive time of your life, and to help you feel RADIANT!”

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  • Nankind

    This volunteer organization provides safe, qualified nannies for up to five hours a week so mothers can attend appointments and/or find some time to relax, heal, and regroup.

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  • Now What

    Now What is a website for young people living with cancer, those who have a sibling, parent or friend with cancer, or whose sibling, parent or friend has died from cancer.

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  • The Olive Branch of Hope

    The Olive Branch of Hope is “a safe place where women of diverse cultures can share their breast cancer experiences, be informed, empowered, inspired, and renew their hope for a better future for themselves and for future generations.”

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  • Oxford York Cancer Centre

    The Oxford York Cancer Centre (OYCC) helps young adults dealing with cancer between the ages of 18-39, and their supporters, in the Montreal area.

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  • The Patient Story

    Giving honest, human answers to your cancer questions.

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  • Pink Pearl

    Pink Pearl is a not-for-profit organization that brings together young women who have been affected by cancer through a network of peer-support and innovative programs.

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  • Queering Cancer

    Queering Cancer’s website includes a patient story collection, a peer support forum, and a fully searchable database of cancer resources specific to LGBTQ2+ individuals.

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  • Radioactive Runner

    Sabrina says she is “a runner, a wife, a stepmother and a cancer survivor. Hablo español and parlo italiano. I run hard, eat well, and I am trying to live better everyday because we only have one chance at this adventure called life.” Check out her blog to follow her story and get some great tips on staying healthy along the way!

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  • Rethink Breast Cancer

    Launched in 2001, Rethink Breast Cancer is a national charity focused on research, education and support for young women in their 20s, 30s and 40s that are living with and recovering from breast cancer. Rethink provides savvy support programs that respond to young women’s unique needs.

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  • Sharsheret

    A National not-for-profit organization (USA) of cancer survivors dedicated to addressing the unique challenges facing young Jewish woman living with breast cancer.

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  • Stupid Cancer

    A site that is dedicated to connecting adolescents and young adults with cancer with trusted and credible cancer survivorship information, human resources and psychosocial support services.

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  • Surviv(her)

    Our focus is to support women battling cancer through the following: developing tools to help women in the fight against cancer; facilitating connection between Surviv(her)s; supporting research to improve detection, treatment, and ultimately – survival.

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  • Team Shan

    Team Shan was named for Shanna (Shan) Larsen who was only 24 when she lost her life to breast cancer. Team Shan is committed to raising awareness about breast cancer and young women.

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  • Teens Living With Cancer

    A website with info, articles and a forum for both patients and supporters.

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  • Testicular Cancer Canada

    A community-based organization dedicated to bring awareness and educating to the public about testicular cancer.

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  • Trans Cancer Patient Project

    “The main hope will always be to provide support and community for fellow transgender cancer patients; and a source of education for others to provoke better treatment, and destigmatize patient experiences.”

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  • The Social

    The Social aims to provide a special place to socialize with peers who understand what it’s like to have cancer between 13-18.

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  • The Stupid Cancer Show!

    Listen to Stupid Cancer’s Stupid Cancer Show – Finally giving a voice to young adults affected by cancer.

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  • Thyroid Cancer Canada

    Whether you have just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, have been living with it for years, or are a family member or friend of someone with the disease, this site will be helpful.

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  • The Villij

    The Villij is a wellness community helping womxn of colour nurture their well-being at home, work, and in their communities.

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  • Vital Options

    Vital Options: Support For Young Adults With Cancer, a resource for this special patient population.

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  • West Island Cancer Wellness Centre (WICWC)

    WICWC is a registered charity dedicated to offering compassionate care and support to anyone experiencing cancer – either having it themselves or supporting someone with cancer.

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  • Willow

    Willow Breast and Hereditary Cancer Support (Willow), founded in 1994, is a national not-for-profit organization that provides free support and information to anyone affected by breast cancer.

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  • Wellspring

    Wellspring is a network of community-based centres that offer programs providing support, coping skills, and education to cancer patients and their families.

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  • Young Caregivers Connect

    The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) is proud to launch to help young caregivers aged 15-25. The new website was designed in collaboration with, and for, young caregivers, and offers information and resources that address your unique needs.

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Online Films & Documentaries

  • Chasing Rainbows:

    Young Adults Living With Cancer: This upbeat documentary film Chasing Rainbows: Young Adults Living With Cancer, is a dynamic, intimate portrayal of six young people who are “living life while fighting for it.”

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  • I’m Still Here: Young Adult Living Life with Recurrent Cancer:

    I’m Still Here is a 45-minute film documenting the authentic voices of young adult participants on a three-day Callanish retreat, supported by a team of compassionate professionals who guide them through a healing process.

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  • Valleys:

    The story of how Amy Aubin and her friends and family deal with her cancer. This webseries was shot by the same team that made Wrong Way To Hope, and juxtaposes Amy’s cancer journey with her best friend, Annie’s, experience on a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon together as they discover important truths about living with cancer.

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  • Wrong Way To Hope:

    An inspiring film about young adult cancer survivors who embark on a kayaking expedition as a context for discussing their journey.

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Conferences / Retreats

  • Alive2Thrive

    Transformational healing retreats for young adults facing cancer.

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  • Camp Mak-A-Dream

    Camp Mak-A-Dream is a medically-supervised, cost free experience for children and young adults with cancer and are a blend of education and recreation.

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  • Cottage Dreams

    This org works with those who own cottages and those who would like to use one post-cancer to offer much needed R & R.

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  • First Descents

    First Descents is a free, seven-day kayak camp for young adults with cancer.

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  • On The Tip Of The Toes

    On The Tip Of The Toes helps young people living with cancer regain their well-being by facing the challenge of an exceptional therapeutic adventure expedition.

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  • Survive & Thrive Adventures Inc.

    A Canadian organization whose mission is to help young adult survivors of severe illness or injury identify, process and apply life lessons through adventure activities.

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Extra Resources

  • ActiveMatch

    ActiveMatch is a free online physical activity partnering system for women in Canada who have been diagnosed with cancer. Women can join at any stage of treatment, recovery, survivorship, etc.

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  • Advance Care Plan tool-kit

    This resource from Dying With Dignity has templates designed to leave behind your wishes to alleviate the guesswork for your family.

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  • Airbnb Open Homes

    Through Open Homes, hosts have already offered temporary housing to over 11,000 people displaced by natural disasters, conflict, or illness.

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  • BEFORE – Begin Exploring Fertility Options, Risks & Expectations

    A decision aid for young breast cancer patients in Canada.

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  • Camp Maple Leaf

    Camp Maple Leaf is a residential summer camp that provides children living in unique circumstances with a safe, fun and memorable camp experience. They have offered specific camps for children dealing with the death of a parent or sibling, though that is not their only objective.

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  • Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Framework for the care and support for adolescents and young adults with cancer

    This national vision of comprehensive care and support for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer as well as survivors will lead to improved outcomes and better quality of life.

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  • Cancer Coaching (Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation)

    A complimentary health and social care service offered to cancer patients and their support networks. Cancer Coaches are regulated healthcare and wellness professionals with a background in oncology. Group and individual sessions focus on you, who you are, and what matters most to you and provide you with education, support and practical skills development to help meet your physical, emotional, informational and spiritual needs.

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  • Cancer Council New South Wales webinars

    Great resources for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.

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  • Cottage Dreams

    This organization helps “families touched by cancer reconnect and rejuvenate at a private, donated cottage.”

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  • Emmy Duff Scholarship

    The $2,000 Emmy Duff scholarship is awarded to people who have been diagnosed with cancer in Canada.

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  • Forward Foundation

    The Forward Foundation’s mission is “to provide young adults who are terminally ill with meaningful experiences of connection.”

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  • Working Parent College Scholarship Program

    Are you a parent trying to balance work while attending university or some other higher learning institution? would like to announce our plan to help our users succeed in the workforce: a college scholarship awarded once per year designed to benefit working parents in Canada who are pursuing post-secondary education.

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  • Mélanie’s Way

    Mélanie’s Way is a fund that helps women with metastatic cancer have a personalized experience — a “wish” — that brings them and their loved ones joy and creates memories.

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  • Never Too Young

    “Never Too Young is CBCN’s handbook for young women with breast cancer. It deals with the emotional and practical impacts of a breast cancer diagnosis on young women’s lives. It provides an overview of common issues and problems and seeks to empower young women by providing them with the information required to make informed decisions about their emotional wellbeing during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.”

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  • Quebec Cancer Foundation

    Quebec Cancer Foundation supports people with cancer and their loved ones through services suited to their needs and daily concerns. Listening, informing, comforting, caring and providing lodging when cancer strikes, turning their lives upside down.

    “Quebec Cancer Foundation also has your back. Sound familiar? This is why we want to support each other by sharing our mutual resources so all young adults, anglophones, and francophones can access relevant information.”

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  • Scholarships and bursaries for AYA cancer survivors

    From the AYA page of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre site.

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  • Soar Above Counselling

    Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible online counselling services to individuals affected by chronic illness — individuals living with chronic illness, their caregivers and health care professionals. Open to Ontario residents only.

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  • Theravive

    Theravive is a network of licensed therapists and psychologists committed to helping people receive the best mental health care available. Through building bridges with others, we continually strive to lower mental health stigma.

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  • Untire

    Untire gives cancer patients and survivors the tools to reduce fatigue.

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  • The Will Munro Fund for Queer and Trans People Living with Cancer

    This fund offers “up to $800 (every two months) for LGBTQ2S community members of all ages, residing in Ontario, currently living with cancer.”

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Medical / Technical Information

  • Breast & Bone Health

    The Breast and Bone Health Program is a comprehensive online support resource for women affected by breast cancer. This program offers tips and hands-on tools to assist you in optimizing your bone health.

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  • Canadian Blood Services

    Information on donating blood products.

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  • Canadian Virtual Hospice

    The Canadian Virtual Hospice provides support and personalized information about palliative and end-of-life care to patients, family members, health care providers, researchers and educators.

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  • The Cancer Blog

    Covering cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

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  • Chemo Care

    The latest chemo information for cancer patients and their families, caregivers and friends.

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  • Cancer Knowledge Network

    A site featuring oncology articles and information.

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  • Fertile Future

    Provides fertility preservation information and support services to Canadian cancer patients and their families who are facing fertility-risking medical treatment, as well as oncology professionals.

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  • Fertile HOPE

    Information for cancer patients faced with infertility.

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  • Heal Mary

    The team at Heal Mary has created “an application designed to connect patients, caregivers and doctors with clinical trials data from all over the world for the best possible health outcome.”

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  • McGill AYA Oncology Program

    A program for patients 18-39 years of age; providing access to necessary healthcare professionals and services to meet their unique needs. Patients are from Montreal and the surrounding regions of Quebec.

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    This site provides info on recognizing, diagnosing, and dealing with mesothelioma.

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    Contains expert videos and survivors stories and informs patients about the potential effect of cancer treatments on their fertility and their options to preserve it.

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  • My Cancer Advisor

    Dr. Charles M. Balch is an internationally recognized surgeon and oncologist with over 34 years of clinical and academic experience and a leading authority in melanoma and breast cancer. is the inspired creation of Dr. Balch. His vision is to create the premier cancer blog for unique insights from leading experts so that visitors will be empowered to better understand and confront this disease.

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  • OneMatch Stem Cell & Marrow Network

    Information on becoming a bone marrow donor.

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  • Online Cancer Guide

    Designed to be a valuable tool for patients and members of the public who are seeking dependable information related to cancer, treatments and services.

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  • Patient Resource

    On this site, you will find patient focused information. We have worked to bring you many encouraging stories of survival. Be sure to review them as you progress on your journey (mainly USA).

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  • PsyMood

    PsyMood helps people find mental health support based on the language they speak, their culture, religion, and more.

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  • Steve Dunn’s Cancer Guide

    A comprehensive guide to cancer.

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Are you dealing with your parent's cancer?

  • Riprap:

    A British website with articles, profiles, and support information for teens whose parents have Cancer.

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  • Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation:

    Children of those affected by cancer can attend six-week programs to help them deal with their feelings and gain access to tools which will help them cope. There are groups for those aged 6-15, and 16-23.

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