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Get ready for the most powerful haircut of your life!

Our largest fundraiser is the annual Shave for the Brave which runs in schools, offices, communities, and more from coast to coast. You can get involved as a volunteer and organize an event, sign up as a Shaver at an existing event, or hold your own Solo Shave where and when you are most comfortable.



Shave for the Brave — YACC’s largest fundraiser — is a series of community, school, office, and solo fundraising events all across Canada.

Shaves are organized by volunteers — people just like you! — who bring their communities together to raise money and support for young adults dealing with cancer.

In order to participate, Shavers must agree to have their heads shaved with no guard, or donate at least 12 inches of hair. Shavers are also responsible for raising or donating at least $25 in order to receive an official Shave for the Brave toque! 

Register now!

The 2025 Shave for the Brave supports Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) and its programs that help people between the ages of 18-39 live with, through, and beyond cancer. Every cancer, every stage, YACC’s got your back!

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