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Register with YACC

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Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) is a national organization serving young adults affected by cancer from coast to coast to coast. If you know someone dealing with cancer between the ages of 18-39, please let them know YACC’s got their back.

Main office

Mailing address:
Young Adult Cancer Canada
P.O. Box 29055 Torbay Road
St. John’s, NL
A1A 5B5

Civic address:
136 Crosbie Rd. Suite 306
St. John’s, NL
A1B 3K3

Get in touch

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (709) 579-7325
Toll-free: 1 (877) 571-7325

Charitable Registration Number:
86508 6631 RR0001

Refer a young adult

Help us eliminate isolation! Know a young adult who could benefit from being a member of the YACC community?
Please complete our referral form!

Two people sitting on a rock overlooking the ocean

Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) provides support services to young adults diagnosed with cancer before the age of 40 and currently between 18-39.

YACC also offers services to caregivers like friends, partners, siblings, etc., also in their late teens, 20s, and 30s.

We offer web-based services and face-to-face retreats and conferences. We will connect with any young adult you meet who is eligible to our services to see how we can help.

We LOVE our partners!