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Road to Recover

By Karl-Erik

Karl-Erik stands facing the right of a photo. He is wearing a cap, a backpack, and a light blue shirt. He has a full beard. In the background, you can see a guitar on the front of a Hard Rock Cafe. I joined YACC about one year ago, and wowie, has it been a journey for my recovery! Despite the amazing processing of emotional trauma through YACC events, I still had no idea what I was signing up for when I joined the Recover Study Leadership Team. I even said as much during the interview, all I knew was that I wanted to give back to this awesome group.

For the last few months, I’ve had the utmost pleasure of participating in and watching the research program unfurl. For me, the best part has been working with and learning from such intelligent, compassionate, and motivated people to affect positive change.

I don’t know about you, but I love learning new things, so I was also pretty ecstatic to learn we are given some amazing learning opportunities to enhance our abilities in the program, some of which I have repurposed in my own life. (I had never heard of “The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research,” but it sure sounds impressive)

As for our April Fool’s Day meeting, besides me getting caught in the waiting room with my guitar, we cleared the day’s tasks with relative ease, and for better or worse, no pranks!

I am always surprised at how much we cover in one meeting, because they just go so smoothly!

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