Hope everyone had a great XMAS mine was the best I’ve had in memory. Not so much for the big things but the little things worked out so well. I have been enjoying my freedom, acting like my old self. I have spent the last three days in a cold rink, coaching hockey, which is one of my favorite things to do. We had a great tourney and won, which is something the guys will hopefully get used to and continue in the regular season, as their success will have some affect on whether or not I get back on the bench. Coaching is one of the many things I have done in the past two weeks that I could do like I did before, it was a great help for the mental part of my Series.
I had a discussion with my Doctor today and I am scheduled to go back to the Eaton Complex(Health Sciences Center) on January 2nd, of course that is contingent on the number of beds available. Assuming I am re-admitted I will begin my 7 day treatment that day and hopefully be out upon completion. However I will most definitely follow the same pattern as last time, except that I should be able to spend most of my time at home, but will still have to be admitted for any infections, which are almost a sure bet. The major difference between Game 1 and Game 2 is that I have healthy blood to start this game, which means my counts should take longer to fall and should recover quicker than the first time.
Many people who I have seen over the Holiday season have asked if I am done treatment now that I am in remission. The answer is no, I have a minimum of two games left to play. The study of which I am a participant, calls for two further rounds (Games 2 & 3), however the further we progress the more subjective the treatment becomes, my gut tells me it becomes more of an art than a science, which is where my approach will hit a new level. At this point a Bone Marrow Transplant is still a viable option, but not a definite. We are waiting for the results of a genetic test, we have been waiting over 6 weeks for a test that takes 3 days but that is the beauty of our system. This test won’t necessarily confirm that I will have a Transplant, but it may show that I have a sub-type of AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), M4-E. I have M4, which is just a type of AML, but this sub-type M4-E would indicate that I would not need a Transplant, for some reason this sub-type is not treated with a Transplant. I should have this news within the next several days, one of my Doctors gave me his word so I will hold him to that.
Away from the hospital and the medical stuff, I have made the most of my time, seen lots of people who I wanted to see, some who I didn’t and some who I wanted to but have been unable to connect with, such is life. I am looking forward to my first sober New Year’s in “a few” years, I’m sure it will bring a new view of the whole celebration. Truth be told I’ll probably be asleep by 10:30 and get awakened somewhere around 7! 6! 5!!!!…..
Hope you have a great New Year’s and party safe,