Well I’m not sure if it was the most fun I’ve ever had but it definitely ranks up there with the best. Today, thanks to a friend of mine, I was given the distinct privilege of being the “Honorary Parade Marshall” in the
St. John’s Santa Claus Parade. Basically what that meant is I got to head out at the front of the Parade in an antique convertible and make sure everything was clear for Santa. My official responsibilities were none other than waving to the thousands of little ones, and not so little ones, lined along the road. Accompanied by my two lovely banner ladies, carrying a RealTime Cancer banner and leading the way for the car, we made our way through the parade route and had a ball. The day was made to order and while I thought my arms would fall off after the first 10 minutes, they held up. Very tough to resist those little faces waving – which means making virtually any kind of motion with their arms.
I most always wait until after my birthday to begin thinking about Christmas, and while my birthday has come and gone my Christmas thoughts hadn’t really started. They got a nice kick start today. Easy to do when you say “Merry Christmas” a couple of thousand times. In addition to seeing so many friends that I hadn’t seen in a long time, seeing all those small people waiting for Santa was something amazing. I had such a great time today that I think I’m committed to putting a RealTime Cancer presence there next year. Such a fun day.
Today really is a little symbolic of how my week went as I have been feeling pretty well. Doing more and more, sometimes paying for my play but that is way things usually work. Actually I find that my muscles, especially my abs, give me as much trouble when I lay low as when I’m on the go all day. What that means of course is there is a Balance in there somewhere. That word Balance is one of my greatest Challenges and when it comes to my physical activity things are no different.
On the medical side nothing much to report, my blood levels remain solid and steady and I’m feeling really well. I do feel as though we are in a holding pattern while we wait to see if I will develop Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD). At present we are neither behind or ahead of schedule, just in the middle of a “not much happening” period, and I know how quickly that can change. One July 1999 night I was playing the board game Risk with my friends taking over the world, 5 hours later I was in terrible pain at the ER on my way to the ICU later that day.
My Toronto Docs gave me a 70% chance of making it to the 100 day mark, today is Day 46. Day 100 will happen in January, but as I hope you know my day-to-day mindset isn’t looking anywhere near that far down this road.
I’m enjoying each day as it comes, and today was a special one. Back soon.
Live Life. Love Life.