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A selfie of Michael smiling widely in an outdoor setting. He is holding three juggling balls, and weating a purple t-shirt, a backwards grey baseball cap, and reflective sunglasses.

Michael Rumsby

I am a runner, novice ukulelist, aggressively mediocre juggler, and two-time kicker of childhood brain cancer’s butt with a passion for supporting others.

Michael (he/him) is a creative, energetic, and passionate young adult survivor of childhood cancer.

Diagnosed in September 2010 with a non-germinoma germ cell tumour on his pineal gland, he underwent chemotherapy, brain surgery, and a lifetime amount of radiation to his head. He was declared in remission in April 2011. Three months later, in July 2011, he relapsed with a second non-germinoma germ cell tumour on his brain stem. Once again, undergoing chemotherapy along with an autologous stem cell transplant and pinpoint point radiation. He has now been in remission since June 2012.

He connected with YACC in 2021 through attending YACC Chats and participating in the Survivor Conference. He is now volunteering as a YACC Chat leader and a member of the Insight team.

Michael wants to leverage his experience with cancer to help support as many people as much he can.

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