January 11, 2017
Heather’s blog: On grief
There is no right answer on how you are supposed to grieve the loss of someone. This is the first death of a family member since my diagnosis, since connecting with YACC, and I didn’t expect it to be this hard this soon.
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October 04, 2016
Heather’s blog: Capture your grief
“Although the face of grief can be very different for all of us, there is one question that seems to be the same no matter what type of loss or hardship you are experiencing: How do we move past it?”
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April 27, 2016
Free webinar on helping children grieve
On Wednesday, May 4, Canadian Virtual Hospice is launching KidsGrieve2 Q&A which will be available to any adult across Canada who has a question about supporting a grieving child or youth.
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November 24, 2014
Coping with grief
Canada is a big country, and providing proper help can be challenging at times so Karine wrote a short post about grief and how we can take care of ourselves in those difficult moments.
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