December 08, 2012
Localife Calgary: Reindeer games
A handful of people showed up for our games night on December 8, 2012. The weather was pretty harsh that night, so we really appreciated the effort put forth by those who were able to make it!
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October 27, 2012
Localife Calgary: Pumpkin carving recap
The Pumpkin carving on Saturday was extremely fun!
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September 01, 2012
Localife Calgary: Lanes and (virtual) links
Localife Calgary got together over the Labour Day weekend for a night of low-key, unstructured activities, and we kind of wish we could have been there, too!
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July 14, 2012
Localife Calgary: Movie night
The energy that a strong individual exudes while dealing with, or being touched by, cancer is contagious.
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