January 06, 2015
Localife Edmonton: 'Twas three nights before Christmas
The Localife Edmonton leaders got a little creative with their latest recap, and you can’t miss it.
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December 26, 2014
Laura's Retreat Yourself Ontario recap
As a group we enjoyed a bonfire, ate fantastic meals, laughed, made art, and took amazing walks along tree-lined trails. We talked about cancer and so much more because we are so much more than our diagnoses. We have lives that are full and terrifying and uniquely our own.
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December 24, 2014
Christmas with cancer
Christmas is still about watching an excited child opening presents on Christmas morning, it’s still being with family, it is still me having a turkey dinner with the in-laws (and then having another one with my parents!). We may have slowed down a little bit, but that’s ok.
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December 23, 2014
Gerrad's blog: Holiday countdown extravaganza
Take the time this holiday to look back and find new things to do this year, and don’t be afraid to make the changes you want to.
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December 22, 2014
Localife Calgary goes to the zoo
Zoolights at the Calgary Zoo has been a Localife Calgary hit in past years, so we hosted it again!
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December 18, 2014
Localife Vancouver gets chatty
Localife Vancouver hosted coffee talk on a brisk but clear Tuesday night in December where 11 people gathered in a cozy room at a local coffee shop.
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Localife Ottawa: Pizza and games night
On December 5, 2014, Localife Ottawa decided to end the first half of its third year with the third annual Pizza and Games night. In TV terms, this was our mid-season finale — and boy, was it ever a good one!
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December 17, 2014
YACC's 2014 gift guide
Hannakuh is just getting started, Christmas is around the bend, and then we’ll say sayonara to all that was 2014. Some of us at YACC HQ are definitely those last-minute shoppers you hear so much about, and we’re willing to bet we’re not alone, so we’re here with some ideas to help you find great gifts for young adults affected by cancer and caregivers alike!
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December 15, 2014
Survey to improve post-treatment care
Are you a young adult cancer survivor who would like to have input on improving follow-up care for future cancer patients? If yes, we have a great opportunity to help improve the current system.
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December 12, 2014
Curtain going up on new play about breast cancer
Nightwood Theatre in Toronto is working on a new show called HER2 which follows seven women as they participate in a new breast cancer drug clinical trial.
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December 09, 2014
Heather's blog: Right here, right now
“There is nothing I can add to my life right now that would make me any happier.”
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December 04, 2014
Change your habits, change your life
The Canadian Cancer Society is hosting a webcast with Dr. Rob Rutledge, oncologist and support group leader, of Healing And Cancer on December 9.
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