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He’s in control again

Hi Hockey Fans everywhere,

It’s Monday afternoon and I just left Geoff at the hospital to send a quick update. What a whirlwind of a weekend it’s been. Friday night there was real progress with the respirator levels Geoff was requiring and it has been straight up with the progress since. On Saturday the Doctor’s recommended reducing the Vecuronium (paralysing drug) that Geoff has been receiving to help him work with the respirator. It was a very gradual withdrawal planned and if things were OK they planned to start reducing the sedatives in a day or two. The Vecuronium was stopped Sunday morning and by late yesterday everything was fine so the sedatives were being reduced slowly late Sunday. By this morning Geoff was completely off the sedatives and paralysing agent and is now in bed, quite aware of what’s going on and starting to provide input and want information before his care proceeds. He’s still intubated so he can’t talk and that’s really frustrating for him as he tries to encourage us to guess what he wants. We’re learning but not fast enough for his mind. He’s still got a long road back before even getting off the ventilator but he’s comfortable enough and is very much participating in the decisions and care issues. He’s definitely up for hearing messages now so if you have something to tell him send it here and I’ll pass it on.

There are some care issues that need to be decided soon about how best to prepare Geoff for breathing on his own again and he’s telling us that he’s at the top of the decision tree again. Where else would he be anyway?

I imagine you think you know what it was like to see Geoff open his eyes and smile with them at all of us, but what you’re thinking is only a fraction of the joy we felt.

Thanks again and again for all the support and caring you have all sent this way, it really has made a difference.


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