After a loss in the family pushed the 13th annual Darryl Gorman Memorial Walk back until August in 2013, the organizers were delighted to host it in June again this year. Approximately 100 people walked in Holyrood on a beautiful June 28 and raised over $10,000 — the biggest annual total raised to date!
“The huge numbers that we are seeing in the donations this year are just mind blowing so much generosity for a great cause,” said organizer Krista Gorman.
Regular organizer Bridget Hynes says her favourite part of the walk is seeing Darryl’s friends with their children, and it’s a good marker at how quickly life passes us by.
The organizers keep things fresh with new t-shirt designs and have switched up the location, but both women agree the best part of the event is how it continues to bring people together.
“It is hard to choose a favorite moment the whole walk is such a great event. It was nice that both families worked together on the planning this year it made lighter work for all. To see everyone pull together year after year to remember Darryl is wonderful, and makes the entire event memorable,” said Gorman.
“[I’m] looking forward to keeping Darryl’s memory alive by having the walk each year! Especially where we have more people involved with the organization of it,” said Hynes.
“Thank you to everyone for coming together and making this the most successful walk to date — upwards and onwards! There will be big things in the future of this event, I just know it,” said Gorman.
Since it began, the walk has raised over $65,000 to support young adults affected by cancer in Canada.
Huge thanks to the planning committee of Krista; Bridget; Tracey, Jackie, and Rose Doran; Cindy Walsh; and Meaghan Ludlow. The Hat Lounge for letting us begin there; the Legion for hosting our end social; all the people that made monetary and or prize donations; the local businesses that contributed; Hickey’s Bus Service for donating the shuttle; Paulette Penney for making and donating the cake; and Marie’s Mini Mart for their generous donation of wraps, sandwiches, and cookies for the social.
Lastly, we have to say another big thanks to the Gorman and Ghaney families who are so supportive each year!
Krista’s son, Kai Darryl, moved up from his role of onesie model last year to help with registration!
Photos by Krista Gorman