We are SO READY to share a comprehensive look at the YAC Prime Study! Here’s a note from YACC founder and executive director Geoff Eaton:
The Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) team has worked closely with young adults affected by cancer for over two decades, and has seen the devastating and challenging impact it can have on all areas of one’s life.
The information found in this summary report supports longstanding truths we have witnessed first-hand such as how cancer is different for young adults, and recovery takes far longer than treatment. We compared the findings from data collected from young adults who had not been diagnosed with cancer and we now have proof that those diagnosed with cancer feel their quality of life is lower than their non-cancer peers with more negative outcomes in areas such as distress, sleep, body image, and coping; that their financial forecast is more greatly impacted; and more.
We feel the findings in this report are yet another set of reasons to rebalance cancer priorities in Canada—a rebalancing for young adults just starting their life but indeed for all Canadians. It is time to shift from satisfaction with increased survival rates to seeing and supporting people who are barely surviving. What kind of life are we living if we cannot love living it? The most courageous among us spend life turning pain into power to make change for individuals and communities. We hope you’ll join us as we make this change for young adults living with, through and beyond cancer from coast to coast to coast.
These findings affirm YACC’s next chapter of the young adult cancer story in Canada. YACC will embark on a longitudinal study of the young adult cancer population that will dig deeper, share the tree of assumptions harder and continue to make change for cancer’s forgotten generation.
The YAC Prime Study was only made possible by the contributions of the young adults who participated, the professionals and organizations who referred to it, the researchers who guided it and worked with the data and those who funded it. On behalf of all the young adults we serve, thank you.
Live life. Love life.
Geoff Eaton
Founder and Executive Director
Visit www.yacprime.ca to learn more.