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Working around cancer


Cancer can make working difficult. You need time off for appointments and treatment, you don’t need any additional stress, and your head is somewhere else. Once you’re better, you need to ease back in to a daily schedule.
Cancer and Careers is a website that will help. Although the site appears to focus on women, the content is very gender neutral and helpful for everyone affected by cancer. They offer sections to guide women with cancer, employers, coworkers, and health professionals through this transition.
The site is really well organized. The women with cancer section categorizes articles based on first diagnosed, on the job, and lifestyle. The employers section offers a lot of great information including your legal rights and advice on the first steps you should take when an employee says they have cancer. The coworkers and health professionals sections offer a lot of information on how to support your friend or patient with the information they need.
Check it out if you’re newly diagnosed, interested in going back to work, or if you’re supporting someone with cancer.

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