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Nancy Clifford


Where do you work, and what do you do there?

I recently returned to Ottawa after seven years at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. where I was responsible for the World Bank’s engagement with Canada. Prior to that, I was with the Canadian Embassy in D.C. and with Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa. Much of my work over the years focused on policy development and programming in international development assistance. I also have an ongoing interest in global mental health, which I was able to pursue in some of my work. Now back in Ottawa, I’m devoting my efforts to issues around cancer and mental health/well-being.

Where are you located?

Ottawa, ON

When did you join YACC’s Board of Directors?

March 2020

Why did you get involved with YACC?

I wanted to contribute to something that is particularly meaningful to me. My son was diagnosed with cancer at age 16 and over the years I’ve seen first-hand the ongoing challenges that adolescent and young adult cancer patients and survivors face. I believe YACC is addressing a real gap in how we care for young patients. It’s a privilege to be part of YACC’s work!

What’s your favourite thing/sports team/band/book/place in the world?

Cycling in the summer near the ocean and cross-country skiing in the winter!

Meet the rest of the team!

Learn more about the rest of our team.
Dr. Norma D’Agostino is next.

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