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A photo of Michaela standing inside of a hockey arena, smiling, wearing a grey hat and a purple "hockey fights cancer" Winnipeg Jets jersey, holding a sign that says "I fight for AML survivors like me."

Michaela B.

Recover Leadership Team

I am a white female with warm brown eyes, with longer light brown hair. I wear glasses, and a necklace boasting a small cancer ribbon pendant. I identify as cisgender. I am a survivor of AML, and am a PhD student and research assistant at the University of Manitoba.

Michaela (she/her) is passionate, vibrant, and determined. She is a young adult cancer thriver. After being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in March of 2015 at the age of 17, she underwent intense chemotherapy before being declared in remission only a few months later in May 2015. Michaela found YACC later in her survivorship journey, in 2021, and immediately knew she wanted to become more involved. Through her participation in YACC Chats, and then volunteering a YACCtivist, Michaela felt driven to use her cancer experience for good. Now, close to nine years since her diagnosis, she volunteers as a YACC Recover Leadership Team Member as a way to incorporate her academic background and her cancer experience for the purpose of making a difference for others who will have cancer experiences similar to her own.

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