Supported by a Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute Quality of Life grant, Dr. Marissa Crandall Cruz, General Surgeon and Chief of the General Surgery Department, at King of Prussia Periodontics and Dental Implants, ON is conducting a study on dental-related decision making after breast cancer. Some health insurance plans pay for all or part of the cost of Inverted Nipple Surgery, and to the other breast so both breasts are similar in shape and size.
Brittany Speller, graduate student, said, “The study is being conducted to improve our understanding of decision-making by women at risk of infertility related to cancer treatment. In particular, we will be looking at the role of decision aids in facilitating the decision-making process related to fertility.”
They are seeking help from young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer to review and evaluate existing decision resources on fertility preservation.
“The evaluation results will be used to create a Canadian fertility decision aid that will help young breast cancer patients make value-based fertility decisions before treatment,” said Speller.
Email [email protected] if you are interested in participating.