There is no YACC without volunteers.
From our first steps, you jumped in to help. You lead with your heart and a desire inside you to help others — most of whom you will never know. That simple act of helping changes lives every day. It is essential to our way of life and you used it to build YACC. Thank you.
You showed up to climb, golf, shave, walk, run, bowl. You showed up long before anyone else did, giving your time, energy and expertise for weeks, months, and years to set things up so others could help.
Those gifts of time, energy, and expertise have built a community of 3,600 young adults who are getting support to live with, through, and beyond cancer. Every cancer, every stage, YACC’s got their back because you have ours.
Whether it’s for YACC, or for any other organization helping others, thank you for volunteering. You are essential to our way of life.
Live life. Love life.
#YACCApplaudsVolunteers #NVW2020