By Lesley Morrissey
Two years, one full term — where did the time go? Denis, you have been a force in Ottawa, always up for a bit of fun, but still gentle enough to welcome new community members into the Localife fold. Qualities that aren’t always found together, but we are so glad that you had them both in abundance.
You have been dedicated, passionate, and full on crazy for Localife (and YACC), and we appreciate all you have done for us. As always, I hate to see great leaders leave, but I also know you still have a lot of greatness to come for yourself and for the young adult cancer community. The steps you are taking in your professional life are going to keep you even busier over the next few years, but they will have a lasting impact on us all. I am excited to see all the things you will accomplish and I know your involvement with Localife Ottawa and YACC will continue to grow, just in a different role.
Thank you for all you did for Ottawa, YACC and me.
Bonne chance, mon ami!
If you are interested in applying for a Localife Leader position in Ottawa, click here for all the details.