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The web is a bit different than any medium before it. One of its shortcomings (from a web publisher’s point of view) is that there isn’t any inherent way to keep visitors coming back to your website.
One of the technologies that has developed to complement the web is RSS. It’s a system whereby publishers can push their content to subscribers, using a website like Google Reader, or an application like NetNewsWire.
It can be a bit confusing, but it does take us one step closer to a vision of the future. I use Google Reader to compile a few dozen feeds of my far flung interests to give me something interesting to inspire/teach/distract me everyday.
At Young Adult Cancer Canada, we’re hoping that this will make it easier for some of you to keep up to date on what we’re putting on the web. We’ll also be using these feeds to power a souped up email newsletter and a new Facebook fan page, so stay tuned for those developments in the near future.
If you’d like you can subscribe to our brand new RSS feeds: Community Profiles, Community Articles, Young Adult Cancer News, Geoff’s Blog, Shave for the Brave News, or this Organization Blog.

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